Flora and Fauna

Texas has a lot of beautiful Flora and Fauna, so I am going to show you some of the most important Flora and Fauna of Texas.

The Bluebonnet (State Flower)

The Bluebonnet is the state flower of Texas, and some people call it the Texas Bluebonnet. The name of this flower is given to any number of purple flowers. This are a few species that are often called Bluebonnets:

-The Silvery Lupine,

-Big Bend Bluebonnet or Chisos Bluebonnet

-Nebraska Lupine

-Texas Bluebonnet or Texas Lupine

There is also a song about Bluebonnets with this as lyrics:

When the pastures are green in the springtime

And the birds are singing their sonnets,

You may look to the hills and the valleys

And they’re covered with lovely Bluebonnets.

Blue is the emblem of loyalty,

They’re as blue as the deep, deep sea,

Their smiling faces bring gladness,

For they bloom for you and for me.

Bluebonnets, so gorgeous and stately,

In your mantle of blue and of green,

In the spring when you’re in your full glory,

You’re the loveliest sight ever seen.

You’re beautiful when you sway in the sunshine,

You look like waves of the sea,

Ah, Texas was wise in her choice of a flower,

So we offer our homage to thee.

Texas Purple Sage

The Texas Purple Sage is just like the Bluebonnet a amazing flower that grows at Texas. It’s a treasured part of the landscape of Texas, this plant grows naturally on the South Texas Plains and on the Edwards Plateau. This ‘Purple Sage’ isn’t a true sage, and an other name for this plant is Leucophyllum Frutescens.

The Pecan Tree (State Tree)

The Pecan Tree is Texas her State Tree from 1919, pecan is a very healty nut so if you go to Texas you can eat some pecan nuts or a pecan pie what also is the state pie. A long time before we came to Texas there was already a pecan tree! A pecan tree can survive over a thousand years, and it can even grow over 100 feet tall. The pecan nut was a very important product for the Americans because it are very nutritious nuts.

 Prickly Pear Cactus (State Plant)


This plant is found in the deserts of American southwest, when you have the most prickly pear cactus then the fruits are edible. That fruit has been the food of native Americans for thousands of years.

Texas Toad (State Amphibian)

The Texas Toad lives in almost the most of the state, except the western Panhandle and the wetter portions of east Texas. It lives in a lot of different habitats, grasslands, open woodlands, mesquite-savanna and areas with sandy soil.